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045. Cybersecurity: What Future Leaders Must Know to Protect Themselves and Their Organizations (afternoon)
Instructor: Mike Foster
Level of Complexity: Intermediate
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
- Cyber Threats in Plain English: Decode the latest cyber risks specifically targeting distribution operations – from warehouse applications to business systems you depend on – without getting lost in technical jargon
- The Million-Dollar Question: Learn to spot the difference between essential security measures and expensive 'nice-to-haves' – helping you make smarter cyber investment decisions
- Beyond the Basics: Master practical techniques to evaluate whether your organization's current security measures actually match your business risks (Spoiler: Most don't!)
- Crisis-Ready Leadership: Develop an action plan for the first 48 hours of a cyber incident – because in distribution, every hour of downtime costs money
The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections
Thea Dudley
Being responsible for the credit and collections function in the construction industry is never any little kid's dream. But somebody's got to do it.
In The Credit Overlord's Guide to Credit & Collections, Thea Dudley presents an honest, open, and often hilarious account of her journey through opening contractors with credit lines, collecting, or chasing the payments, managing sales reps, teams and bosses.
Dudley shares her insights into succeeding in keeping your business cash flow moving while still salvaging the customer. She offers practical advice for protecting and collecting your money — written in plain, straightforward language that helps connects the dots. This is a must-read guide for anyone in the construction and building material industry.