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003. From Status Quo to Status GROW: Building and Leading a Profitable Culture (morning)

Instructor: Todd Cohen, CSP

Level of Complexity: Foundational/Intermediate
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Company culture is pivotal. Without a strong culture, even the most brilliant business strategy will struggle to thrive. It’s insightful to compare companies that merely talk about their culture with those that authentically embody it. Witnessing a company fully embrace its values is truly inspiring—not to mention it’s pretty awesome to see the impact on employees. Based on Todd Cohen's newly published fourth book on sales culture, this high-energy and interactive keynote will ask a question that will set your company apart from the competition: Is your culture profitable? Going beyond number metrics and KPIs, Todd takes the audience on a journey of leading in a culture and how every action influences colleagues, clients, and the business's overall health.

Learning Objectives:

  1. How culture drives profitability!
  2. The SEVEN indicators of a profitable culture!
  3. How to lead in profitable culture!


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The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude

Lisa Ryan

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Harness the Power of Gratitude One of the downsides of life is that we rarely have to deal with an overabundance of gratitude. Most of us tend to focus on the negative. We don't receive nearly as much acknowledgment as we would like, and we don't give as much recognition as others deserve. Now for the upside! When we learn to harness the power of gratefulness, we can make a major positive difference in so many areas of our lives, as well as the lives of those around us-and The Upside of Down Times is your first step toward making that happen. "I highly recommend this book if you want to be happier, healthier, and wealthier. I read this book in one sitting and began implementing some of the ideas the next day. The ideas are easy to implement but powerful in their results." -Jack Canfield, Co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and The Success Principles

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