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003. Tool Up: How to Select, Implement, and Manage Software so Your Technology Works for You

Instructor: Anne Patterson

Sunday, March 14, 2021, 8:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Today’s Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s) have an unprecedented selection of software solutions. And cloud-based hosting has virtually exploded the number of options. But with the plethora of alternatives comes the challenge: how to select the solution that best fits your company’s needs? And once selected, how to implement – without bleeding the organization’s budget and bandwidth? And once implemented, how to leverage to move the needle on operational performance? These are the three questions covered in our course. Learn how to make technology work for you, not the other way around - which so often seems to be the case.


Anne Patterson

11Anne’s career spans sales operations, planning and distribution in multi-national companies, including the use and implementation of enterprise IT systems on a global scale. A respected project manager, inventory practitioner, and enthusiastic teacher and team-builder, her passion is linking people, processes, and technology. 


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Who Comes Next? Leadership Succession Planning Made Easy

Mary C. Kelly

51fxla0l57l. Sy291 Bo1 204 203 200 Ql40 Ml2 Leaders leave. It's inevitable. It might even happen today. Are you prepared? Every organization needs a plan for leadership succession, but few leaders know how to start the process. WHO COMES NEXT? solves that problem and easily guides you through the steps of creating and implementing a viable succession plan.

This essential guidebook simplifies the process and gives you the tools you need to build and activate your leadership succession. You’ll find a comprehensive action plan, a library of all the tools needed to develop and sustain your plan, and a resource guide. You’ll learn how to:

  • Communicate with customers about the change
  • Identify talent gaps in your succession plan
  • Decide which succession planning model to adapt
  • Find the next generation of leadership within your organization
  • Handle the unique emotional complexities of succession in a family-owned business

Whether you are part of a small, family business, a Fortune 500 company, or a non-profit, you need to start now by answering the question: WHO COMES NEXT?

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