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005. Building Resilient Teams AND Resilient Revenues (morning)

Instructor: Colleen Stanley

Level of Complexity: Intermediate
10:15 AM - 12:30 PM

The rapid pace of change in business can be overwhelming for sales professionals. Just when they’ve overcome a new selling challenge or change, another one appears on the horizon. It’s increasingly important for leaders to develop resilient sales teams that are able to meet current and future challenges head-on, while generating strong financial returns. This sales presentation isn’t about teaching more hard skills, consultative selling skills. It’s about developing the soft skill, the EQ skill of resiliency. Colleen Stanley is the world’s leading expert on emotional intelligence and sales. Her approach is thought provoking, pragmatic and always accompanied with a healthy dose of humor. At the end of this presentation, participants will walk away with proven strategies for bouncing back, forward and through tough times.

Key Learning Objectives:
- Improve your ability to manage stress to avoid burning out and dropping out.
- Discover the power of perspective in overcoming obstacles.
- Increase productivity and creativity, even in tough times.
- Build a community. You don't have to go it alone.

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